Sunday, February 08, 2009

Devils Punchbowl ..

There is a place we found about 20 minutes from our house that is absolutely wonderful. Its a great place to hike and see nature. We took a hike awhile back, and thought we would show you the little oasis we found. Actually, it was Tim and Jackie that let us in on it. They are very much the explorers. One of their hobbies is just driving around and finding these scenic places. On this particular hike, we found a rattle snake on our path, lizards, birds, and ravenous polar bears. Ok, no polar bears, but, snakes for sure ! Cascading waterfalls, natural gardens, and spectacular views. On the lines of a miniature Yosemite ! When you come visit, lets go !

Dirt bike craze

A jaunt through the back street of Riverside let us find a playground for dirt bikes. Very cool. Unfortunatly, our camera died before we got the really cool pictures. Even Donna Liked it !! GASP
btw... for all you blog update critics. Yes, we still blog, and will have a few more that follow. And thank you in advance for all the thoughtful and kind comments !! LOL Dont leave without commenting... Its nice to know that you visited and encourages us to do more !